

This newsletter is ment to inform about our issues and events of our association. It is open for your news, questions and challenges.

 We present a summary of our tasks, discoveries, new articles and other issues of an international significance.

Organizational issues:

Between  29.6 - 8.7.2009 the Czech ufologists will visit Baltic States and Russia on the route - 29.6 - Vilniyus, 30.6. - 6.7. St. Petersburg, 6. - 7.7. Riga, 7. - 8.7. Kaunas. If you want to meet them, write to lsafarik@volny.cz

Reports of associated organizations


At the meeting of the members of the AIPUFO on 26.01.2009 new chairmanship was chosen of AIPUFO and MUA (ufologicheskoy International Association). President of AIPUFO was elected Azhazha Vladimir, - http://ufoacademia.narod.ru/glavnaya.htm

Czech Republic

Czech Republic this year preside over European Union.

    29.5. – 31.5. 2009 - A seminar in the city Choteborzh (Central Czech)

- http://www.kpufo.cz/whb/akcehb.htm


 UFO in the town of Cheb - Czech Republic: UFO buzzes town, many stunned witnesses, good photo - http://www.allnewsweb.com/page6616617.php


New website - http://www.paranormalne.eu/

Investigator Arkadiusz Miazga - www.spotkaniaznieznanym.blog.onet.pl


Symposium of 2012 - http://www.wylatowo.pl/news.php?art=955


Ukrainian UFO club UFODOS opened the page on Youtube, which intends to spread the available and coming to a club exclusive video footage of the Ukrainian ufology http://www.youtube.com/UFODOS

In Ukraine was found a mysterious world - Pervoray (unknown hitherto mysterious world is in the Khmelnitsky region) News http://ufodos.org.ua/news/2009-02-16-84  picture http://ufodos.org.ua/photo/4-0-228. Your comments are needed, perhaps the proposal to cooperate in the study of the anomalies.

Was published regular second issue (March 2009) Bulletin MSS Club UFODOS of the most pressing issues and problems of Ukrainian ufology. All the issues are in PDF, so you can read the newsletter online or download the file to your computer. We look forward to hearing your feedback! - http://ufodos.org.ua/load/2

We focus on recent significant publications on ufology in the Ukrainian press, we will tell readers about the latest club news, projects, experiments and research. The frequency of the newsletter  is uncertain, that is,  each print will come as a surprise to readers ....

Site administration of "Ukraine anomalous" discovered perhaps the country's first UFO photo (from 1925): http://ufodos.org.ua/photo/2-0-242


Responses welcomed

East European Association of Paranormal Phenomena Researchers
