20.05.2009 |
This newsletter is ment to inform about our issues and events of our association. It is open for your news, questions and challenges.
We present a summary of our tasks, discoveries, new articles and other issues of an international significance.
Organizational issues:
Between 29.6 - 8.7.2009 the Czech ufologists will visit Baltic States and Russia on the route - 29.6 - Vilniyus, 30.6. - 6.7. St. Petersburg, 6. - 7.7. Riga, 7. - 8.7. Kaunas. If you want to meet them, write to lsafarik@volny.cz
Reports of associated organizations
UFOLOGOS Neman group - visit the bulletine http://groupneman.ru/ ICQ – Admin : Konstantin Semenov
Paranoral Resercher http://researchufo.narod.ru/ - sosufo@mail.ru
The first part of our movie „Hyperborea – the lost history“ is available on http://www.rufors.ru/ . You can leave a comment there. New chat: http://ufologos.com/chat/index.php. Admin: Sergey Makarov (Mirnyi, Russia)
East Association ufologic Association - http://ostufo.narod.ru/
UFOlats – http://www.ufo.lv
"Triangular UFO" over Riga – http://www.ufo.lv/rus/news/ufolats/2009/?20395
Baltic palm - http://www.ufo.lv/rus/news/ufolats/2009/?20780 Who can explain the nature of this phenomenon on the pine?
The first
astrophotographs from a telescope Celestron NexStar 5SE -
Czech Republic
Czech Republic this year preside over European Union. Revealing of Czech researchers - http://www.kpufo.cz/portal/view.php?cisloclanku=2009051301 |
Czech researchers under the leadership of Ivan Mackerle (who led the expedition for the Yakut boilers - http://www.mackerle.cz) prepares a new expedition in the Amazon - in the footsteps of Colonel Fawceta from the twenties and the main thing - for the mysterious stone spheres, which emit light, in Matti Grosso in the city of Rio Xingo. When you could help with some sources, write to kpufo@kpufo.cz.
Manuskrypt Voynicha - http://cbza-jordanow.blog.onet.pl/Manuskrypt-Voynicha-Prezent-sp,2,ID377518964,n
Ufologic glossary of terms and slang, which includes more than 1200 terms from 1st May, 2009 found your site - http://ufodic.org.ua
The author requests
all readers and users of this guide who find any error or "dark places",
to write him about it. The author also would be grateful for additions and
Responses welcomed
East European Association of Paranormal Phenomena Researchers