

This newsletter is ment to inform about our issues and events of our association. It is open for your news, questions and challenges.

 We present a summary of our tasks, discoveries, new articles and other issues of an international significance.

Organizational issues:

During the Czech researchers‘ visit to Baltic and St. Petersburg, since June 29 till July 8, they’ve met collegues from Kosmopoisk in St. Petersburg and J. Sidorov (UFOLATS) in Riga.

 Reports of associated organizations


 Russian Roswell - http://ural-paranormal.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=267:2009-06-26-15-22-37&catid=1:2008-01-31-19-12-36 


New web - http://www.infra.org.pl/ 

Czech rep. 

Czech researchers started a re-establishment of an old organisation - ČsAAA Czech and Słovak Ancient Astronaut Assotiation), http://www.csaaa.eu  

Revealing of Czech researchers - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoBoLMQUBx0 

Megalits - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0oWImgLqJg 

Crop circles - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcp6d7Olqmo 

Vortex - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeLifOyaAAo 

 Czech researcher Ivan Mackerle with his group set out for an expedition to Amazonia in colonel  Fawcet’s footsteps - the end of the expedition - 3.10.2009  - http://www.kpufo.cz/portal/view.php?cisloclanku=2009090401  


7.4.2009 – IX. UFO forum - http://www.ufoinfo.pl/index.php?id=328 

Polish UFO forum - http://www.pufoc.of.pl/ 


New web - http://gyvas.sapnas.net/ 


Web list - http://kontakter.org.ua/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogsection&id=13&Itemid=47 

Chinese balloons even in Ukraine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iTgxMdF818&feature=player_embedded#t=15 


Many greetings sent by Paul Stonehill: My published research of Russian, East European and Central Asian UFO and paranormal phenomena. Stay in touch. If you want some of my articles for publications, to promote international UFO phenomenon research, please let me know. Paul Stonehill, rurcla@hotmail.com (California, USA), http://www.myspace.com/eurasianparanormal  


List of UFO CASE - http://www.rufon.org/dosar_ozn/ 


Responses welcomed

East European Association of Paranormal Phenomena Researchers
