East European Association of Paranormal
Phenomena Researchers
Intentions Protocol of East European
Countries Research Groups and Organizations
November 1st.,
Riga, Latvia
We, undersigned deputies of East European UFO groups and organizations,
- being lead by the good will and by the wish to develop mutually favourable cooperation on the principles of equality of rights, and with respect for the various opinions about the nature and esssence of the paranormal phenomena,
- having received the full rights from our groups and organizations,
- made studies of paranormal phenomena in the theory and practice,
- being convinced in the objective existence such phenomena that seem to stay beyond the limits of the current science paradigm,
- expressing our common efforts to discover the nature and driving forces of the paranormal phenomena,
- with a wish to develop the coordination of the works carried out within the future pan-European project called „Monitoring of Paranormal Phenomena in the East European Countries“,
- and promoting the integration process of the East European countries in the field of paranormal phenomena research,
agreed on the following:
1) We are about to launch the process of „East European Association of Paranormal Phenomena Researchers“ founding.
2) Each undersigned party takes pledge to organize steady monitoring of paranormal phenomena in its own country (within the limits of technical possibilities).
3) The parties take pledge to continuously change information within the our common pan-European information net.
4) The term when the „Protocol“ gets valid is the moment when the deputies will signed it. It is valid until the agreement of the „Association's Regulation“.
5) The official negotiation languages are the Russian and English ones.
contracting parties have agreed to:
1) set up a meeting in Warsaw in autumn 2007 (the exact term will be agreed separately), where the following matters are supposed to be done:
- take up the „Decision of the Founding“ of the „East European Association of the Paranormal Phenomena Researchers“ (hereafter „Association“). The responsible person: Evgeny Sidorov (UFOlats, Latvia)
- negotiate and ratify „Association's Status“. The responsible person: Evgeny Sidorov (UFOlats, Latvia)
- elect and ratify „Association's Comittee“. The responsible person: Robert Bernatowitch („Nautilus“, Poland)
- explore the technical & organization matters of the construction of the united East European information system,
- to discuss the creation of common „Association“ information Web-site. Responsible persons: Nikolay Subbotin („RUFORS“, Russia), Luboš Šafařík (KPUFO, Czech Republic).
- to reconsider principles, technical & organization matters of the common UFO newsline. The responsible person: Nikolay Subbotin („RUFORS“, Russia).
- to reconsider the creation of E-mail list service that will be sending letters for all „Association“'s participants. The responsible person: Nikolay Subbotin („RUFORS“, Russia).
- to discuss the basic matters and technical problems of common paranormal phenomena database creation.The responsible persons: Luboš Šafařík (KPUFO, Czech Republic), Nikolay Subbotin („RUFORS“, Russia).
2) The matter of new „Association“'s members will be consider by „Association's Comittee“ after its set up.
This Protocol was issued on the Russian and English languages.
Enclosure: contact information about the contracting parties.
Organization „Nautilus“, (Poland), Director - Robert Bernatowitch
for the Psychotronics and UFO“, „KPUFO“(Slovakia), Secretary - Martin Toth
Center for Paranormal Phenomena Monitoring“, „UFOlats“ (Latvia), President
- Evgeny Sidorov
for the Psychotronics and UFO“, „KPUFO“(Czech Republic), Secretary - Luboš Šafařík
UFO Station“ (RUFORS, Russia), Director - Nikolay Subbotin
Commission of Russian Geographical Society (Russia), Chairman - Mikhail
UFOlogy Organization „BUFONET“ (Bulgaria), Main Coordinator - Ivan Lazarow
"UFOs in Ukraine" (Ukraine), Director - Sergey Hvostov
News Agency, Foundation for Cosmonoetic Investigations, Bulgarian UFO Network
/BUFON/ (Bulgaria),
Chairman Kiril Kanev