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About the Project Zare (Light)
The Project Zare (Light) is the first project in Czech Republic oriented on recording and evaluating facts about UFOs. The creation of this project was inspired by an effort of gaining trustful and verifiable information about the UFO phenomena, because the common knowledge of this phenomena in our country is still very superficial and effected by the former propaganda as well as untrustful information on the other hand. Along with the information about UFO, in the project there started to cummulate also information about another anomal phenomena (f.e. crop circles, spontanneous self-combustion, or falls of extraordinary materials from skies onto the ground), and the project started to deal systematically with these questions as well.
The project Zare was created on the 27.3.1992 from the iniciative of the Archeoastronautical association of Czech Republic, which established a cooperation with the czech air forces (this cooperation however today is only a formal and it hasn’t been renewed in the full rate). After the end of AAA of CR the project Zare continues in its activity on its own, although it isn’t a association or a club in its real sense. The project Zare is more a program, which is being fulfilled by a network of independet researchers in Czech Republic. (it is an amateur noncommercial activity).
By its rational approach and neutral attitude towards the problems the project Zare through the time of its existence has built good cooperation with various scientific researchers and experts, whose consultations then uses for evualuation of the recieved information.
The goals of the project:
1.Complex collection and statistical elaboration of the information about UFO and other anomal effects in the Czech Republic
2.Consultation of these information with scientific experts from various fields. Secundary to evoke interest of the scientific researchers of the investigation of these phenomens.
3.To use the media for a better and more serious information of our public about these problems.
Our way of research:
In the first phase of our research of any mysterious event we try to get the biggest possible amount of information and preferably from the first hand. Therefore is our investigation limited only to the territory of the Czech republic- it is possible for us to come to the place, where something mysterious happened, to interrogate the witnesses, to perform measurements, to explore the site etc.
In the second phase we try using the exluding metod to determine, whether it wasn’t some known unordinary effect (in the case of UFO sighting, whether it wasn’t a unusual plane, advertisement lights, meteor, or the „chinese lanterns“). To this evaluation we try to use a cooperation of the scientific experts and administration and institutions (meteorological, army, air control service, astronomers etc.).
In the third phase we add the reported case to one of these three categories:
a) identified phenomens
b) cases closed for the absence of the data
c) really unidentified (unknown) cases